D413K enzyme with mutation in the putative kinase active site shows drastic loss in their kinase activity but retains their epimerase activity 641739 D413N enzyme with mutation in the putative kinase active site shows drastic loss in their kinase activity but retains their epimerase activity 641739 H110A mutant enzyme shows a drastic loss of epimerase activity, oligomerization is significantly different from that of the wild-type enzyme,loss of epimerase activity can largely by attributed to incorrect protein folding 641739 H132A mutant enzyme shows a drastic loss of epimerase activity, oligomerization is significantly different from that of the wild-type enzyme, loss of epimerase activity can largely by attributed to incorrect protein folding 641739 H155A mutant enzyme forms mainly trimeric enzyme with small amounts of hexamer 641739 H155A mutant enzyme shows a drastic loss of epimerase activity, loss of epimerase activity can largely by attributed to incorrect protein folding 641739 H157A mutant enzyme forms mainly trimeric enzyme with small amounts of hexamer 641739 H157A mutant enzyme shows a drastic loss of epimerase activity, loss of epimerase activity can largely by attributed to incorrect protein folding 641739 H45A mutant enzyme shows a drastic loss of epimerase activity 641739 R420M enzyme with mutation in the putative kinase active site shows drastic loss in their kinase activity but retains their epimerase activity 641739