K338A no processing of D1 protein of photosystem II 137246 K338H no photoautotrophic growth of cells 137246 K338R no photoautotrophic growth of cells 137246 K455A no hydrolysis of the 105 variant of N-terminal domain of lambda repressor 137242 K455R no hydrolysis of the 105 variant of N-terminal domain of lambda repressor 137242 L132M/L210M crystallization data of selenomethionyl derivative 137239 additional information deletion of enzyme gene, no processing of D1 protein of photosystem II, no photoautotrophic growth of cells 137246 additional information deletion of N-terminal amino acids 206-660, and deletion of C-terminal amino acids 1-334, both peptides are efficiently labelled by a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme marked with photoaffinity lable 137238 additional information downregulation of the enzyme by antisense technique in transgenic plants results in many lines with lethal seedlings 670503 additional information the enzyme-deficient strain 1330DELTActpa is generated by allelic exchange, the mutant produces smaller colonies on enriched agar plates and exhibits a 50% decrease in growth rate in enriched liquid medium and no growth in salt-free enriched medium, the mutant cells show a spherical shape, increased cell diameter, and membranes partially dissociated from the cell envelope compared to the wild-type cells, smooth phenotype, overview, the virulence of the wild-type strain 1330 is reduced by the mutant strain 1330DELTAcptA in murine spleen, overview 669103