N895L site-directed mutagenesis, the mutant converts linoleic acid to 7,8-DiHODE as major product and 8,11-DiHODE as minor product, which is the similar pattern as the wild-type enzyme -, 741712 N895Q site-directed mutagenesis, the mutant converts linoleic acid to 7,8-DiHODE as major product and 8,11-DiHODE as minor product, which is the similar pattern as the wild-type enzyme 741712 N938D site-directed mutagenesis, the mutation of the 7,8-linoleate diol synthase reduces the hydroperoxide isomerase activity of the enzyme 724132 N938L site-directed mutagenesis, the mutation of the 7,8-linoleate diol synthase abolishes the hydroperoxide isomerase activity of the enzyme 724132 N938Q site-directed mutagenesis, the mutation of the 7,8-linoleate diol synthase reduces the hydroperoxide isomerase activity of the enzyme 724132 P1016A the mutant shows more than 110% activity of the wild type enzyme 764229 Q887A the mutant shows less than 10% activity of the wild type enzyme 764229 Q889A the mutant acts as 8,11-linoleate diol synthase -, 764229 Q889A the variant exhibits only 8-HPODE formation without 6,8-DiHODE accumulation -, 764229 Q890E site-directed mutagenesis, the mutant retains (5S,8R)-5,8-dihydroxylinoleate as the main product, but shifts oxygenation from C-5 to C-7 and C-11 and to formation of epoxyalcohols by homolytic scission of (8R)-hydroperoxylinoleic acid 724132