A80del site-directed mutagenesis, the mutant shows altered substrate specificity preferring isocitrate to homoisocitrate, it is unable to oxidize 3-isopropylmalate, the specificity is similar to the enzyme from Thermus thermophilus 660918 D271N site-directed mutagenesis, mutation of a metal ion ligand and binding determinant for Mg2+, to N. The mutant enzyme shows a decrease of 520fold in V and V/Km_Mg2+, suggesting that the same step(s) limit the reaction at limiting and saturating MgHIc concentrations 739958 I82N the mutant shows decreased catalytic efficiency with homoisocitrate and isocitrate compared to the wild type enzyme and has no activity with 3-isopropylmalate -, 760522 K206M site-directed mutagenesis, inactive mutant 739958 K206M site-directed mutagenesis, the active site mutant shows about 2400fold reduced activity compared to the wild-type enzyme, the Km for HIc does not change significantly 696350 L81P the mutant shows decreased catalytic efficiency with homoisocitrate, isocitrate and 3-isopropylmalate compared to the wild type enzyme -, 760522 L83R the mutant shows decreased catalytic efficiency with homoisocitrate and isocitrate compared to the wild type enzyme and has no activity with 3-isopropylmalate -, 760522 additional information modulation of the broad substrate specificity of the trifunctional enzyme through site-directed mutagenesis, overview 660918 additional information trex mutant allele, T to C exchange at nucleotide 251. Midgestation lethal mutant which displays craniofacial, limb, and organ abnormalities due to insufficient retinoic acid signaling 686950 R85V complete loss of activity with isocitrate, significant activity with 3-isopropylmalate, no effect on activity with homoisocitrate -, 656127 R87T site-directed mutagenesis, the mutant oxidizes homoisocitrate, but not isocitrate and 3-isopropylmalate 660918 R87V site-directed mutagenesis, the mutant oxidizes homoisocitrate, but not isocitrate and 3-isopropylmalate 660918 S80A the mutant shows decreased catalytic efficiency with homoisocitrate, isocitrate and 3-isopropylmalate compared to the wild type enzyme -, 760522 T71V the mutant shows decreased catalytic efficiency with homoisocitrate and isocitrate, as well as increased catalytic efficiency with 3-isopropylmalate compared to the wild type enzyme -, 760522 V135M site-directed mutagenesis, tetramer-to-dimer structural transition enhances the activity with isocitrate 1.6fold 669109 Y150F site-directed mutagenesis, inactive mutant 739958 Y150F site-directed mutagenesis, the active site mutant shows about 680fold reduced activity compared to the wild-type enzyme, the Km for HIc does not change significantly 696350