ATP - 690397, 690950, 692882, 694232, 701785, 701950, 702402, 702733, 702906, 704312, 704324, 704331, 704333, 705134, 705769, 705772, 705782, 705788, 705793, 706173, 706435, 706513, 739983, 740049, 740070, 740082, 740525, 740621, 740624, 740870, 741136, 741222, 741226, 741235, 741283 ATP DesK displays a compact structure at the ATP-binding pocket: the ATP lid loop is short with no secondary structural organization and becomes ordered upon ATP loading. Sequence conservation mapping onto the molecular surface, semi-flexible protein-protein docking simulations, and structure-based point mutagenesis present a specific domain-domain geometry during autophosphorylation catalysis 740689 ATP residue Ser492 resides on the ATP lid, near to the Mg2+ ion that coordinates the gamma-phosphate of ATP in the P4 active site 740869 ATP the ATP-binding domain of histidine kinases contains conserved motifs essential for autokinase activity. These include G1 and G2 boxes, which have the characteristic glycine signatures DxGxG and GxGxG, respectively 740492 FAD Slr1759-Var I protein contains 0.11-0.26 mM cofactor per 1 mM protein 701950 flavin - 682858 flavin flavin-containing histidine kinase functions as a photoreceptor, the flavin chromophore, upon illumination, forms a cysteinyl-flavin adduct, which is the signaling state that activates the histidine kinase 682858 flavin flavin-containing histidine kinase functions as a photoreceptor, the flavin chromophore, upon illumination, forms a cysteinyl-flavin adduct, which is the signaling state that activates the histidine kinase, regulates Brucella abortus virulence 682858 FMN bound to the LovK histidine kinase 740049 GDP this kinase is uniquely specific for GTP in the forward and GDP in the reverse reaction. The G1 motif of BA2291 is highly modified from ATP specific histidine kinases, binding structure, modeling, overview 692901