3.4.22.B79 - 752777 3.4.22.B79 DNA coding for nsP2pro (residues Met457-Cys794) amplified and cloned into vector pETBlue1 T7. Expression in Tuner DE3 (pLacI) Escherichia coli cells 682878 3.4.22.B79 expressed in BHK-21 cells 699901 3.4.22.B79 expressed initially as HisMBP fusion proteins in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) CodonPlus-RIL cells 701065 3.4.22.B79 expression in Escherichia coli 752767, 753844 3.4.22.B79 expression in Escherichia coli. Proteins are expressed as inclusion bodies under culturing at 37°C, and only partially expressed in a soluble form at 22°C 755412 3.4.22.B79 GFP-encoding DNA fragment cloned into the nsP2 gene by using a transposon-based approach. The entire library of the recombinant nsP2/GFP genes transferred into wild-type Sindbis virus Toto1101 genome. SIN/nsP2GFP/8 and SIN/nsP2GFP/472 expressed in BHK-21 cells 681688 3.4.22.B79 GFP-encoding DNA fragment randomly cloned into the nsP2 gene. Entire library of the recombinant nsP2/GFP genes transferred into wild-type SINV Toto1101 genome. BHK-21 cells infected with SIN/nsP2GFP/8 and with both packaged replicons and SIN/nsP2GFP/472 virus 699903 3.4.22.B79 Pro39 mutants expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 679819 3.4.22.B79 the gene that encodes a double-mutant IBV nsp2 N-terminal domain (residues 9-393 of the polyprotein, with mutations Q132L and L270F) is expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cells 706978