4 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + quercetin - Citrus depressa 4 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 3,3',5,7-tetra-O-methyl-quercetin - ? 455025 luteolin + S-adenosyl-L-methionine high 3'-O-methyltransferase activity Glycine max 3'-O-methyl luteolin + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine i.e. chrysoeriol ? 389110 luteolin + S-adenosyl-L-methionine OMT-15 shows 92% activity and OMT-17 shows 84% activity compared to myricetin Oryza sativa 3'-O-methylluteolin + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine - ? 409782 additional information - Petroselinum crispum ? - ? 89 additional information isomeric substances isoferulic acid and diosmetin, chrysoeriol, apigenin p-cumaric acid and ferulic acid are not substrates Petroselinum crispum ? - ? 89 additional information only ortho-dihydric phenols can function as substrates and only the meta-hydroxyl group is methylated, no reaction takes place if one of the two phenolic hydroxyls is methylated or if only one hydroxyl group is present Petroselinum crispum ? - ? 89 additional information rutin is no substrate Nicotiana tabacum ? - ? 89 additional information methylation proceedes only in the meta-position, enzyme is unable to catalyze the methylation of p-coumaric acid, m-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, isoferulic acid, sinapic acid, apigenin and naringenin Glycine max ? - ? 89 additional information isoflavones biochanin A and daidzein do not serve as substrates Glycine max ? - ? 89 additional information SOMT-9 transfers a methyl group to the 3'-OH group of substrates having ortho-hydroxyl groups and uses a flavonoids as a substrates, no activity with 3,3'-dihydroxyflavone, 5,3'-dihydroxyflavone, 6,3'-dihydroxyflavone, 3'-hydroxyflavone, and 3'-hydroxyflavanone Glycine max ? - ? 89