malfunction overexpression of the enzyme is observed in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Increased enzyme activity is associated with hypocituria, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and tumor cell growth. Decreased enzyme activity is associated with type 2 diabetes. ACLY knockdown or inhibition leads to a decrease in glucose-induced insulin secretion 718760 malfunction siRNA knockdown of ATP citrate lyase limits cancer cell proliferation and reduces cancer stemness 756645 malfunction upon genetic deletion of Acly, the gene coding for ATP-citrate lyase, cells remain viable and proliferate, although at an impaired rate. In the absence of ACLY, cells upregulate ACSS2 and utilize exogenous acetate to provide acetyl-CoA for de novo lipogenesis and histone acetylation. A physiological level of acetate is sufficient for cell viability and abundant acetyl-CoA production, although histone acetylation levels remain low in ACLY-deficient cells unless supplemented with high levels of acetate. ACLY-deficient adipocytes accumulate lipid in vivo, exhibit increased acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA production from acetate, and display some differences in fatty acid content and synthesis. Engagement of acetate metabolism is a crucial, although partial, mechanism of compensation for ACLY deficiency 756391 metabolism acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) generated by ATP citrate lyase (ACL) is utilized to acetylate histone H3 at MyoD regulatory regions, resulting in increased MyoD expression and improved muscle regeneration after injury 758518 metabolism ATP citrate lyase is an important enzyme linking carbohydrate to lipid metabolism by generating acetyl-CoA from citrate for fatty acid and cholesterol biosynthesis 758267 metabolism ATP-citrate lyase is a central metabolic enzyme. The acetyl-CoA product is crucial for the metabolism of fatty acids, the biosynthesis of cholesterol, and the acetylation and prenylation of proteins 757803 metabolism DNA methyltransferase 1 is regulated by ATP-citrate lyase 736797 metabolism enzyme in the de novo lipogenesis pathway. The enzyme is required for low molecular weight cyclin E-mediated transformation, migration, and invasion of breast cancer cells in vitro along with tumor growth in vivo 756335 metabolism essential enzyme for generating acetyl-CoA, a key metabolite for the first step in fatty acid synthesis and for histone acetylation. Regulation of the enzyme activity is a potentially important point of control for cell cycle regulation in the myeloid lineage 756281 metabolism involved in lung cancer pathogenesis 703014