additional information 2 paralogous copies of proline racemase genes are present per parasite haploid genome and they are differentially expressed during Trypanosoma cruzi development. Non-infective forms of the parasite expressing full length antisense TcPRACB RNA (functional knockdown) are not viable, whereas functional TcPRACA-knock down (A-) epimastigotes survive only poorly even under low selection pressure for recombinant parasites. Extracts from parasites overexpressing TcPRAC genes display more D-amino acid-containing peptides than wild type or knock down controls. The metacyclic form/epimastigote D-amino acid ratio obtained from parasites that developed in higher concentrations of proline (5.5) is greater than the metacyclic form/epimastigote D-amino acid ratio from wild type (2). Parasites overexpressing the intracytoplasmic isoform of proline racemase (B++) that has differentiated in 1x or 3x proline conditions display higher metacyclic form/epimastigote D-amino acid ratios than the respective wild type controls. Although they present a relative increase in metacyclic form/epimastigote D-amino acid ratios, overexpressors of the secreted version of TcPRAC (A+) show lower levels of D-amino acids than wild type or B++ parasites. Since TcPRACA transcripts appear to be more highly expressed at the end of metacyclogenesis, it is tempting to consider that racemisation of intracellular proline during this stage of development instead depends on the cytoplasmic version of the enzyme (TcPRACB) 705500 up in amastigote forms of the parasites, the intensity of anti-TcPRAC labeling varies according to the time post infection reaching the highest signal of TcPRAC expression after 48 h, while the number of intracellular parasites increases by amastigote multiplication 705499 additional information recombinant epimastigote parasites overexpressing TcPRAC genes coding for proline racemase present an augmented ability to differentiate into metacyclic infective forms and subsequently penetrate host-cells in vitro 705499