661321 Acetyltransfer in natural product biosynthesis - functional cloning and molecular analysis of vinorine synthase Bioorg. Med. Chem. Rauvolfia serpentina x Rhazya stricta 486440 Biogenetic link between sarpagine and ajmaline type alkaloids Tetrahedron Lett. Rauvolfia serpentina 662350 Crystal structure of vinorine synthase, the first representative of the BAHD superfamily J. Biol. Chem. Rauvolfia serpentina 486439 Properties of vinorine synthase the Rauwolfia enzyme involved in the formation of the ajmaline skeleton Z. Naturforsch. C Rauvolfia serpentina 661320 Purification and partial amino acid sequences of the enzyme vinorine synthase involved in a crucial step of ajmaline biosynthesis Bioorg. Med. Chem. Rauvolfia serpentina x Rhazya stricta 682286 The molecular architecture of major enzymes from ajmaline biosynthetic pathway Phytochem. Rev. Rauvolfia serpentina