L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O - - L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O 3-step ping pong reaction mechanism involving catalytic and recycling cysteine residues, formation of a sulfenic acid reaction intermediate, overview 658215 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O 3-step reaction mechanism involving catalytic and recycling cysteine residues, formation of a sulfenic acid reaction intermediate, overview 658215 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O catalytic mechanism and structural features, roles of cysteine residues, active site structure -, 658216 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O catalytic mechanism involves the formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate 658214 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O catalytic mechanism involving the formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate, Cys52 is involved 658212 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O catalytic mechanism involving the formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate, Cys72, Cys218 and Cys228 are involved 658212 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O catalytic mechanism of MsrA, active site structure, modeling of protein-bound methionine sulfoxide recognition and repair from the crystal structure 659028 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O catalytic mechanism of MsrA, the rate limiting step occurs after formation of the sulfenic acid intermediate and is associated with either the Cys51/Cys198 disulfide bond formation or the thioredoxin reduction process 659275 L-methionine (S)-sulfoxide + thioredoxin = L-methionine + thioredoxin disulfide + H2O reaction mechanism 394110, 657641