2-hydroxyethylphosphonate + O2 = hydroxymethylphosphonate + formate - 2-hydroxyethylphosphonate + O2 = hydroxymethylphosphonate + formate catalytic mechanism 2-hydroxyethylphosphonate + O2 = hydroxymethylphosphonate + formate initial substrate oxidation by a ferric-superoxo-intermediate and a second oxidation by a ferryl species, catalytic mechanism, detailed overview 2-hydroxyethylphosphonate + O2 = hydroxymethylphosphonate + formate the reaction proceeds via a transient iron(IV)-oxo (ferryl) complex, a mechanism that involves activation of an O-H bond by the ferryl complex is proposed. The isotope-sensitive C-H-cleavage step is not primarily rate-limiting for the overall catalytic cycle. The reaction does exhibit a significant 2H-kinetic isotope effect on kcat/Km for O2, which implies reversible formation of the C-H-cleaving intermediate