Aliivibrio fischeri wild-type strain ES114, and mutant strains strains JB1, AMJ2, and KV1585 687424 Aliivibrio fischeri ES114 symbiotic bacterium associated with the light organ of the adult Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes, construction of different mutant strains lacking torECA, torYZ, or dmsABC gene activity, the strain lacking all three enzymes is designated as AKD806 687424 Alteromonas sp. inducible 392768 Erythrobacter sp. - 392764 Erythrobacter sp. Och 114 - 392764 Escherichia coli - 392759, 392761, 392769, 392776, 392777, 392778, 437732, 437733, 437734, 437737, 654560, 656279, 671735, 676796, 687081, 764142 Escherichia coli a constitutive enzyme and an inducible enzyme with different properties 392756, 392762 Escherichia coli gene torA 700261 Escherichia coli inducible enzyme 392765, 392773 Escherichia coli TMAO reductase I, the major enzyme among inducible TMAO reductases 392757