Escherichia coli B 37343, 37344, 37345 Escherichia coli B1t-7A 665767 Escherichia coli gene tnaA 726660, 728262, 728650 Escherichia coli gene tnaA on plasmid pMD6 727478 Escherichia coli prototypical EPEC 2348/69 serotype O127:H6 715385 Escherichia coli strains MG1655, MG1406, and MG1655H 701449 Escherichia coli structural gene mutant and two regulatory mutants 37361 Escherichia coli tryptophanase with strong cysteine beta-lyase activity 677276 Escherichia coli B / ATCC 11303 B 37343, 37344, 37345 Escherichia coli B/1t7-A - 37335, 37337, 37339, 37340, 37348, 37359, 37360