degradation phenol degradation, among kinetic parameters of growth, the maximum specific growth rate significantly affects the rate of contaminant degradation and is therefore an important parameter to characterise microbes in biological reatment systems 685427 environmental protection application for enzyme-based remediation of phenolic wastewater or in phenolic biosensor, kinetic properties. Remediation of phenols at its anthropogenic source before it enters into the environmental ecosystem. Microbial degradation has gained attention for treatment of phenols owing to its ability of complete mineralization and cost effectiveness -, 764589 environmental protection the enzyme is useful in degradation of industrial pollutants -, 672664 industry the enzyme is useful in degradation of industrial pollutants -, 672664 additional information potential application of LmPH as a molecular marker for the phylogenetic analysis of phenol-degrading strains 704033 synthesis the multicomponent phenol hydroxylases can be used as biocatalysts for producing dyes, e.g. indigo, and hydroxyindoles such as 7-hydroxyindole from indole and its derivatives, overview, multicomponent phenol hydroxylases may serve as potential agents for organic syntheses as well as bioremediation 675732