L-arginine + H2O - L-arginine + H2O arginase catalyzes the first committed step in the biosynthesis of polyamines L-arginine + H2O arginase competes with nitric oxide synthases for L-arginine as the common substrate additional information arginase II is constitutively expressed in the airways of normal mice, whereas arginase I is undetectable in normal airways, while its expression is increased in airways of mice exposed to ovalbumin additional information complex regulation of natural killer cell functions by arginine availability L-arginine + H2O enzyme is involved in acid resistance and inhibits host nitric oxide production L-arginine + H2O enzyme is involved in net production of ornithine, a precursor of polyamines, glutamate, and proline, enzyme is also involved in regulation of nitric oxide biosynthesis by modulating arginine availability for nitric oxide synthase L-arginine + H2O enzyme is involved in regulating L-arginine bioavailability to NO synthase in human penile corpus cavernosum smooth muscle, and in clitoral corpus cavernosum and vagina, enzyme plays a role in both female and male sexual arousal L-arginine + H2O enzyme is involved in regulation of nitric oxide biosynthesis by modulating arginine availability for nitric oxide synthase additional information enzyme may be involved in cellular proliferation in atherosclerosis, inhibiton of enzyme expression by 17beta-estradiol as mechanism in attenuating atherogenensis