ATP + light chain myosin II - ATP + light chain myosin II cardiac-MLCK is essential for normal cardiac development and function in zebrafish embryos, deletion of the gene encoding cardiac-MLCK is lethal for embryos ATP + light chain myosin II causes endothelial contraction ATP + light chain myosin II cytokine-induced epithelial barrier dysfunction can be mediated by increased MLCK expression and subsequent myosin II regulatory light chain phosphorylation, the enzyme is involved in the inflammatory bowel disease ATP + light chain myosin II MLC phosphorylation increases muscle contraction and plays a prominent role in skeletal muscle force potentiation of fast-twitch type IIb but not type I or IIa fibers, overview ATP + light chain myosin II MLCK plays a key role in the control of MLC-phosphorylation status, and it modulates barrier function through its regulation of intracellular contractile machinery, overview, endothelial mechanism of MLC-dependent barrier injury in burns, overview ATP + light chain myosin II myosin II activation is essential for stress fiber and focal adhesion formation, and is implicated in integrin-mediated signaling events ATP + light chain myosin II regulatory myosin chain, in thick filaments, isozyme L-MLCK plays a role in cytoskeleton organization ATP + light chain myosin II roles of MLCK and ROCK on myosin II activation, overview, a global, MLCK-dependent increase in myosin II cortical contractility accompanies the metaphase-anaphase transition in sea urchin eggs, overview ATP + light chain myosin II the enzyme is important in regulation of shape, adhesion and migration of fibrosarcoma cells, overview ATP + myosin IIB - ATP + myosin light chain - ATP + myosin light chain phosphorylation of myosin light chains by myosin light chain kinase is a key event in agonist-mediated endothelial cell gap formation and vascular permeability ATP + myosin light chain the enzyme phosphorylates the 18000 Da Dictyostelium myosin regulatory light chain ATP + myosin light chain activated MLCK then phosphorylates the regulatory myosin light chains, triggering cross-bridge cycling and contraction, in aortic rings from mice in which alpha1, the major catalytic subunit isoform in arterial smooth muscle, is deleted, KCl- or phenylephrine-induced contraction is increased, overview ATP + myosin light chain involved in myosin phosphorylation and enzyme secretion ATP + myosin light chain obligatory step in development of active tension in smooth muscle ATP + myosin light chain involved in muscle contractility and motility of non-muscle cells ATP + myosin light chain involved in regulation of actin-myosin contractile activity in adrenal medulla ATP + myosin light chain event in initiation of smooth-muscle contraction ATP + myosin light chain inhibition of actin-myosin ineraction ATP + myosin light chain activated MLCK then phosphorylates the regulatory myosin light chains, triggering cross-bridge cycling and contraction, myosin light chain phosphorylation is increased under these conditions, suggesting that contraction would be potentiated by ablation of AMPK ATP + myosin light chain in airway smooth muscles, kinase/phosphatase-dependent phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the myosin light chain is an important step in calcium signalling pathway from the variation of Ca2+ concentration in cytosol to the force development ATP + myosin light chain MLCK plays a critically important role in regulation of contraction in both smooth muscle and non-muscle cells, MLCK is both necessary and sufficient to initiate smooth muscle contraction ATP + myosin light chain MLCK plays a crucial role in the cell migration and tumor metastasis ATP + myosin light chain the MLCK family plays an essential role in regulation of actin/myosin organization, sarcomere assembly and cytoskeletal dynamics ATP + myosin light chain 2 MLCK is involved in sarcomere organization, cardiac MLCK promotes sarcomere organization and increases cardiomyocyte contractility, overview ATP + myosin regulatory light chain - ATP + obscurin - ATP + [myosin II regulatory light chain] involved in many cellular cytoskeletal functions ATP + [myosin light chain 2a] MLC phosphorylation plays a regulatory role in inotropic response to alpha1-adrenergic stimulation in the heart, enzyme inhibition causes heart failure in ventricular trabeculae ATP + [myosin light chain] - ATP + [myosin light chain] activation of the enzyme is a key regulatory step in the modulation of endothelial permeability, central to parthogenesis of inflammatory lung disease is disruption of the endothelial barrier function ATP + [myosin light chain] enzyme is regulating cytoskeletal rearrangement and cell motility ATP + [myosin light chain] the endothelial isozyme is a mutifunctional contractile effector involved in vascular barrier regulation, leukocyte diapedesis, apoptosis, and angiogenesis ATP + [myosin light chain] the multifunctional regulatory enzyme stimulates smooth muscle myosin ATPase activity by binding to the myosin heads without phosphorylating the myosin light chain, kinetics, overview ATP + [myosin light chain] the non-muscle myosin light chain kinase is involved in regulation of hepatic functions in response to intra- and extracellular signals ATP + [myosin light chain] myyosin II ATP + [myosin light chain] non-muscle myosin II ATP + [myosin light chain] non-muscle myosin II and preferred substrate smooth muscle myosin II ATP + [myosin light chain] phosphorylation levels of MLC2v in the apex of the hearts. The MLC2v phosphorylation in strain C57BL/6N is significantly lower than that in C57BL/6J mice ATP + [myosin light chain] smooth muscle myosin ATP + [myosin light chain] smooth muscle myosin II ATP + [ventricular isoform of myosin regulatory light chain MLC2v] - additional information the differentiation-dependent enzyme splice variant MLCK1 regulates epithelial tight junction permeability, the endothelial isozyme is responsible for Na+-glucose cotransport-induced tight junction regulation additional information the enzyme activity is cell cycle regulated with a decrease in activity during mitosis due to phosphorylation, inhibition of enzyme phosphorylation during mitosis leads to microtubule defects, overview additional information the enzyme interacts with macrophage migration inhibition factor MIF in endothelium which may be important for the regulation of both non-muscle cytoskeletal dynamics as well as pathobiological vascular events involving the enzyme additional information the enzyme is a potential cytoskeleton integrator through its unique N-terminal domain, the enzyme binds tubulin and actin, and is involved in microtubule/microfilament association additional information the enzyme is involved, probably via microfilament assembly, in sperm chromatin-induced cortical reorganization during oocyte maturation to a polarized egg additional information the enzyme mediates eosinophil chemotaxis in a mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent manner additional information the enzyme plays an important role in TNFalpha-dependent induction of NFkappaB activity, mechanism additional information Human T cell leukemia virus 1-infected lymphocytes can cause a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier inducing an increase in paracellular endothelial permeability and transcellular migration, this disruption is associated with tight junction disorganization between endothelial cells and altered tight junction proteinexpression involving the enzyme MLCK, enzyme inhibition prevents the changes in endothelial cells, overview additional information increased MLCK activity accompanies increases in MLC expression, overview additional information infection of brain endothelial cells with Haemophilus somnus causes alterations in brain endothelial cell and blood-brain barrier integrity and causes inflammation involving the enzyme, which acts in rapid cytoskeletal rearrangement, overview additional information inhibition of MLCK results in spherical cells and marked impairment of adhesion and migration of fibrosarcoma cells, overview additional information inhibition of the enzyme retards the growth of mammary cancer cells additional information inhibition of the enzyme retards the growth of prostate cancer cells additional information MLCK is probably involved in development of diabetic nephropathy, overview additional information regulation of the MLCK promoters and gene expression involving myocardin, model, overview additional information the enzyme binds to thin filaments with high affinity, myofilament binding by Ig-like modules is blocked by disassembling of the filaments, overview additional information the enzyme is a key regulator of various forms of cell motility involving actin and myosin II additional information the enzyme is not a regulator of synaptic vesicle trafficking during repetitive exocytosis in cultured hippocampal neurons, overview additional information the enzyme negatively regulates synaptic plasticity and fear learning in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, the enzyme is involved in memory aquisitoion, rather than in posttraining consolidation of memory, the enzyme may help to prevent aquisition of irrelevant fears, thus enzyme deficiency or defects can lead to pathological fear learning, overview additional information the myosin light chain kinase plays a role in the regulation of epithelial cell survival, and in the generation of pro-survival signals in both untransformed and transformed epithelial cells, apoptosis following inhibition of myosin II activation by MLCK is probably meditated through the death receptor pathway, overview additional information ventricular/cardiac muscle isozyme cardiac-MLCK, which is involved in the development of human cardiomyopathy, is an important structural protein that affects physiologic cardiac sarcomere formation and heart development, the cardiac MLCK regulates sarcomere assembly in the vertebrate heart, overview additional information actin-myosin interaction of smooth muscle could be activated by the non-kinase activity of MLCK, a mechanism that is quite independent of MLC20 phosphorylation, role of non-kinase activity of myosin light-chain kinase in regulating smooth muscle contraction, overview additional information actin-myosin interaction of smooth muscle could be activated by the non-kinase activity of MLCK, a mechanism that is quite independent of MLC20 phosphorylation, role of non-kinase activity of myosin light-chain kinase in regulating smooth muscle contraction, overview. MLCK phosphorylated at Ser828 stimulates the ATPase activity of unphosphorylated myosin more effectively than the control MLCK additional information cytochalasin-induced increases in paracellular permeability are also mediated by MLC in Caco-2 monolayers additional information MLCK is a substrate of AMP-activated protein kinase, AMPK additional information myosin light chain kinase is central to smooth muscle contraction and required for gastrointestinal motility in mice, overview additional information myosin light-chain kinase contributes to the proliferation and migration of breast cancer cells through cross-talk with activated ERK1/2, overview additional information PKA regulates beta2-integrin avidity activation via a MLCK-dependent pathway, overview additional information postnatal decreases in vascular reactivity involve decreases in the thick filament component of myofilament calcium sensitivity, which is measured as the relationship between cytosolic calcium concentration and myosin light chain phosphorylation, relations between myosin light chain phosphorylation and contractile force, overview additional information the enzyme is involved in inflammation response, including apoptosis, vascular permeability, and leukocyte diapedesis. Single nucleotide polymorphisms are involved in the risk of sepsis-related acute lung injury and asthma additional information 14-3-3 binding of nmMLCK additional information non-muscle myosin and smooth muscle myosin are the only known substrates of MLCK in vivo