inner membrane phosphoethanolamine modification occurs on the periplasmic side of the inner membrane, where enzyme EptC transfers head groups from the phospholipid phosphoethanolamine to target molecules. EptC is predicted to be anchored to the inner membrane by a five-helix transmembrane domain, with its sulfatase-like catalytic domain positioned in the periplasm - inner membrane the enzyme is located on the periplasmic side of the inner membrane - membrane LptA is an integral membrane protein 16020 periplasm - - periplasm LptA is the only component of the Lpt system that lacks a transmembrane component, as it spans the periplasmic space between the inner membrane and outer membrane complexes. LptA is bound to other Lpt components rather than floating freely in the periplasm - periplasm possibly one or more LptA proteins bridges the periplasm to form a large, connected protein complex -