ADP - 13 AMP - 30 Ca2+ 84% residual activity at 1 mM 15 EDTA 83% residual activity at 1 mM 21 gallic acid is a non-competitive inhibitor with respect to UDP-glucose and NAD+. It decreases specific activities of UGDH, but does not affect UGDH protein expression, thus UGDH activity is inhibited by polyphenols at the post-translational level. Gallic acid exerts strong antiproliferative activity in breast cancer cells. Heat inactivation of UGDH is accelerated to a greater degree by quercetin than by gallic acid. In the presence of gallic acid, the activity remaining after 30 min is 55% that of control 764 Mn2+ 84% residual activity at 1 mM 11 additional information no substrate inhibition, K+ is not inhibitory up to 500 mM, not inhibitory: dimethyldicarbonate, EDTA 2 additional information in the presence of 0.12 mM 5-azido-UDP-glucose, 89% of the enzyme activity is lost after 5 min of photolabeling. When the enzyme is photolyzed in presence of 1 mM UDP-glucose, 11% of the enzyme activity is lost. 5-azido-UDP-glucose is photoinserting into a UDP-glucose-binding site on the human enzyme in a specific manner. Uracil, uridine, and glucose have a poor protective effect on the labeling, while UDP and UDP-glucose strongly inhibit photoinsertion 2 additional information inhibition of human UDP-glucose dehydrogenase expression using siRNA expression vector in breast cancer cells 2 additional information the enzyme from serotype K30 is not inhibited by NAD+, in contrast to Escherichia coli K-12 2