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BRENDA support

Ontology explorer

Gene ontology
Version 2014-12-22
use AND (NOT) or OR
use AND (NOT) or OR
restrict to BRENDA links:
Details for membrane
Gene ontology ID
GO:0016020 is linked to 1068 enzymes:
A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it
1. GOC: dos
2. GOC: mah
3. ISBN 0815316194
4. Wikipedia: Biological membrane
is an element of the parent element
is a part of the parent element
is related to the parent element
derives from the parent element
// at least 1 tissue/ enzyme/ localization link in this branch
// tissue/ enzyme/ localization link to BRENDA
Condensed Tree View
Gene ontology
Tree view
Gene ontology