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Literature summary for extracted from

  • Levy-Schil, S.; Soubrier, F.; Crutz-Le Coq, A.M.; Faucher, D.; Crouzet, J.; Petre, D.
    Aliphatic nitrilase from a soil-isolated Comamonas testosteroni sp.: gene cloning and overexpression, purification and primary structure (1995), Gene, 161, 15-20.
    View publication on PubMed


Cloned (Comment) Organism
expression in Escherichia coli Comamonas testosteroni


Organism UniProt Comment Textmining
Comamonas testosteroni

Purification (Commentary)

Purification (Comment) Organism
Comamonas testosteroni

Specific Activity [micromol/min/mg]

Specific Activity Minimum [µmol/min/mg] Specific Activity Maximum [µmol/min/mg] Comment Organism
Comamonas testosteroni

Substrates and Products (Substrate)

Substrates Comment Substrates Organism Products Comment (Products) Rev. Reac.
acrylonitrile + H2O at 23% of the activity with adiponitrile Comamonas testosteroni acrylic acid + NH3
adiponitrile + H2O
Comamonas testosteroni adipic acid + NH3
benzonitrile + 2 H2O at 4% of the activity with acrylonitrile Comamonas testosteroni benzoate + NH3
cyano-5-valeramide + H2O at 28% of the activity with adiponitrile Comamonas testosteroni glutaric acid 5-amide + NH3
cyano-5-valeric acid + H2O + H2O at 28% of the activity with adiponitrile Comamonas testosteroni ?
propionitrile + H2O at 6% of the activity with acrylonitrile Comamonas testosteroni propionate + NH3