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Literature summary for extracted from

  • Marui, J.; Matsushita-Morita, M.; Tada, S.; Hattori, R.; Suzuki, S.; Amano, H.; Ishida, H.; Yamagata, Y.; Takeuchi, M.; Kusumoto, K.
    Enzymatic properties of the glycine D-alanine aminopeptidase of Aspergillus oryzae and its activity profiles in liquid-cultured mycelia and solid-state rice culture (rice koji) (2012), Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 93, 655-669.
    View publication on PubMed


Cloned (Comment) Organism
expression in Aspergillus oryzae Aspergillus oryzae


Inhibitors Comment Organism Structure
AEBSF 1 mM, 45% residual activity Aspergillus oryzae
Cd2+ 1 mM, less than 5% residual activity Aspergillus oryzae
Co2+ 1 mM, 50% residual activity Aspergillus oryzae
Cu2+ 1 mM, 5% residual activity Aspergillus oryzae
EDTA 1 mM, 40% residual activity Aspergillus oryzae
Ni2+ 1 mM, 20% residual activity Aspergillus oryzae
Zn2+ 1 mM, less than 5% residual activity Aspergillus oryzae

KM Value [mM]

KM Value [mM] KM Value Maximum [mM] Substrate Comment Organism Structure
Gly 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae
D-Ala 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae
L-Ala 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae

Molecular Weight [Da]

Molecular Weight [Da] Molecular Weight Maximum [Da] Comment Organism
2 * 59300, calculated Aspergillus oryzae
gel filtration Aspergillus oryzae


Organism UniProt Comment Textmining
Aspergillus oryzae G7H7Y1

Purification (Commentary)

Purification (Comment) Organism
recombinant protein Aspergillus oryzae

Substrates and Products (Substrate)

Substrates Comment Substrates Organism Products Comment (Products) Rev. Reac.
D-Ala 4-nitroanilide + H2O 93% of the activity with Gly 4-nitroanilide Aspergillus oryzae D-Ala + 4-nitroaniline
Gly 4-nitroanilide + H2O
Aspergillus oryzae Gly + 4-nitroaniline
Gly-L-Ala + H2O
Aspergillus oryzae Gly + L-Ala
Gly-L-Cys + H2O
Aspergillus oryzae Gly + L-Cys
L-Ala 4-nitroanilide + H2O 12% of the activity with Gly 4-nitroanilide Aspergillus oryzae L-Ala + 4-nitroaniline
L-Ala-D-Ala + H2O
Aspergillus oryzae L-Ala + D-Ala
additional information enzyme shows strict D-stereospecific aminopeptidase activity. No or very poor activity with beta-Ala 4-nitroanilide, L-Leu 4-nitroanilide, D-Leu 4-nitroanilide,L-Met 4-nitroanilide, L-Pro 4-nitroanilide, L-Val 4-nitroanilide, L-Ile 4-nitroanilide, L-Phe 4-nitroanilide, D-Phe 4-nitroanilide, L-Lys 4-nitroanilide, L-Arg 4-nitroanilide, L-His 4-nitroanilide, L-Asp 4-nitroanilide, L-Glu 4-nitroanilide. No substrates: L-Ala-Gly and L-Cys-Gly dipeptides and L-Cys-Gly-Gly tripeptide Aspergillus oryzae ?


Subunits Comment Organism
dimer 2 * 59300, calculated Aspergillus oryzae


Synonyms Comment Organism
Aspergillus oryzae
glycine D-alanine aminopeptidase
Aspergillus oryzae

Temperature Optimum [°C]

Temperature Optimum [°C] Temperature Optimum Maximum [°C] Comment Organism
Aspergillus oryzae

Turnover Number [1/s]

Turnover Number Minimum [1/s] Turnover Number Maximum [1/s] Substrate Comment Organism Structure
L-Ala 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae
D-Ala 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae
Gly 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae

pH Optimum

pH Optimum Minimum pH Optimum Maximum Comment Organism
8 10
Aspergillus oryzae

pH Range

pH Minimum pH Maximum Comment Organism
5 11
Aspergillus oryzae

pH Stability

pH Stability pH Stability Maximum Comment Organism
8 11
Aspergillus oryzae

General Information

General Information Comment Organism
physiological function no significant differences are observed in the vegetative growth and conidiation on minimal and complete media in the enzyme gene disruptant or overexpression strains Aspergillus oryzae

kcat/KM [mM/s]

kcat/KM Value [1/mMs-1] kcat/KM Value Maximum [1/mMs-1] Substrate Comment Organism Structure
L-Ala 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae
D-Ala 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae
Gly 4-nitroanilide pH 9.0, 30°C Aspergillus oryzae