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Literature summary for extracted from

  • Timson, D.J.; Reece, R.J.
    Functional analysis of disease-causing mutations in human galactokinase (2003), Eur. J. Biochem., 270, 1767-1774.
    View publication on PubMed


Cloned (Comment) Organism
expression in Escherichia coli Homo sapiens

Protein Variants

Protein Variants Comment Organism
A198V very similar kinetic parameters to the wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
A384P mutant enzyme is not present in the soluble fraction after sonication and can not be purified Homo sapiens
C32M mutant enzyme is not present in the soluble fraction after sonication and can not be purified Homo sapiens
G346S mutant enzyme shows substantial reduction in turnover number. Lower specificity constant for galactose than wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
G347S mutant enzyme shows substantial reduction in turnover number, increase in Km-value for galactose. Lower specificity constant for galactose than wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
G349S lower specificity constant for galactose than wild-type enzyme. Lower specificity constant for galactose than wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
G36R mutant enzyme is not present in the soluble fraction after sonication and can not be purified Homo sapiens
H44Y increrase in Km-value for galactose compared to wild-type. Lower specificity constant for galactose than wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
P28T mutant enzyme is not present in the soluble fraction after sonication and can not be purified Homo sapiens
T288M mutant enzyme is not present in the soluble fraction after sonication and can not be purified Homo sapiens


Inhibitors Comment Organism Structure
alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate uncompetitive inhibitor with respect to galactose, mixed inhibitor with respect to ATP Homo sapiens

KM Value [mM]

KM Value [mM] KM Value Maximum [mM] Substrate Comment Organism Structure
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G346S Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme A198V Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G349S Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G347S Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme R68C Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme H44Y Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme R68C Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme A198V Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G346S Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G349S Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme H44Y Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G347S Homo sapiens

Natural Substrates/ Products (Substrates)

Natural Substrates Organism Comment (Nat. Sub.) Natural Products Comment (Nat. Pro.) Rev. Reac.
ATP + galactose Homo sapiens lack of fully functional galactokinase is one cause of the inherited disease galactosemia, the main clinical manifestation of which is the early onset of cataracts ADP + alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate


Organism UniProt Comment Textmining
Homo sapiens

Purification (Commentary)

Purification (Comment) Organism
Homo sapiens


Reaction Comment Organism Reaction ID
ATP + alpha-D-galactose = ADP + alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate the most likely kinetic mechanism is an ordered ternary complex in which ATP is the first substrate to bind Homo sapiens

Substrates and Products (Substrate)

Substrates Comment Substrates Organism Products Comment (Products) Rev. Reac.
ATP + D-galactose
Homo sapiens ADP + alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate
ATP + galactose lack of fully functional galactokinase is one cause of the inherited disease galactosemia, the main clinical manifestation of which is the early onset of cataracts Homo sapiens ADP + alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate

Turnover Number [1/s]

Turnover Number Minimum [1/s] Turnover Number Maximum [1/s] Substrate Comment Organism Structure
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G346S Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G346S Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G347S Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G347S Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G349S Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme G349S Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme H44Y Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme H44Y Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme R68C Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme R68C Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme R198V Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, mutant enzyme R198V Homo sapiens
ATP pH 8, 37°C, wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens
D-galactose pH 8, 37°C, wild-type enzyme Homo sapiens

Ki Value [mM]

Ki Value [mM] Ki Value maximum [mM] Inhibitor Comment Organism Structure
alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate pH 8, 37°C, uncompetitive inhibition constant with respect to galactose Homo sapiens
alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate pH 8, 37°C, uncompetitive inhibition constant with respect to ATP Homo sapiens
alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphate pH 8, 37°C, competitive inhibition constant with respect to ATP Homo sapiens