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Arc mutant I137A + H2O
Substrates: monomeric mutant, degradation
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Arc repressor + H2O
Substrates: interaction of Arc substrates with HslU variants bearing mutations in the GYVG pore loop or the I domain, overview. N-terminal residues of Arc initially interact with the GYVG loop in the axial pore of HslU, while other portions of Arc contact disordered I-domain loops, residues 175-209, that project into the substrate-binding funnel above the pore
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Arc-MYL-st11 + H2O
Substrates: recombinant Arc fusion protein
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Arc-MYL-st11 plus + H2O
Substrates: recombinant Arc fusion protein
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Arc-st11-ssrADD + H2O
Substrates: Arc variants with a C-terminal ssrA tag (Arc-ssrA), the st11 tag and a mutant ssrA tag in which the terminal AA sequence is replaced by DD
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Arc/I37A + H2O
Substrates: -
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Arc1-53-st11-titin-ssrA + H2O
Substrates: recombinant truncated Arc fusion protein
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ADP + phosphate
Substrates: -
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barnase-DHFR fusion proteins + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-EVNL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-EVNL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
benzyloxycarbonyl-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methyl coumarin + H2O
carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu + 7-amino-4-methyl coumarin
Substrates: the HslV peptidase alone shows a very weak peptidase activity towards carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methyl coumarin, but its activity increases 1-2 orders of magnitude when it binds to HslU in the presence of ATP
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carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
carboxymethylated lactalbumin + H2O
Substrates: -
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DnaA204-protein + H2O
Substrates: the degradation of the DnaA204 protein contributes to the temperature sensitivity of the dna204 strain
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fusion protein of SulA and maltose-binding protein + H2O
Substrates: -
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gt1 + H2O
Substrates: substrate of HslU
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lambda CI repressor ext1-lambdacIN-RSEYE + H2O
Substrates: -
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lambda cI repressor mutant ext1-lambdacIN-ISVTL + H2O
Substrates: a variant in which the C-terminal sequence is changed from RSEYE to ISVTL, to give ext1-lambdacIN-ISVTL, that HslUV degrades faster than the parental protein, ext1-lambdacIN-RSEYE, by 2fold increase in Vmax
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MBP-SulA + H2O
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N-carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
N-carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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N-carbobenzyloxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
N-carbobenzyloxy-Gly-Gly-Leu + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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puromycylpolypeptide + H2O
Substrates: HslV and HslU interact and participate in the degradation of misfolded puromycylpolypeptides
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RpoH + H2O
Substrates: RpoH is a heat shock sigma transcription factor
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succinyl-LLVY-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
succinyl-LLVY + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
SulA mutant F10A + H2O
Substrates: -
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SulA mutant I37V + H2O
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SulA mutant P8L + H2O
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SulA-maltose binding protein-fusion protein + H2O
unfolded lactalbumin + H2O
Substrates: HslV alone can efficiently degrade certain unfolded proteins, such as unfolded lactalbumin and lysozyme prepared by complete reduction of disulfide bonds, but not their native forms. HslV alone cleaves a lactalbumin fragment sandwiched by two thioredoxin molecules, indicating that it can hydrolyze the internal peptide bonds of lactalbumin. Uncomplexed HslV is inactive under normal conditions, but can degrade unfolded proteins when the ATP level is low, as it is during carbon starvation
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unfolded lysozyme + H2O
Substrates: HslV alone can efficiently degrade certain unfolded proteins, such as unfolded lactalbumin and lysozyme prepared by complete reduction of disulfide bonds, but not their native forms. HslV alone cleaved a lactalbumin fragment sandwiched by two thioredoxin molecules, indicating that it can hydrolyze the internal peptide bonds of lactalbumin. Uncomplexed HslV is inactive under normal conditions, but can degrade unfolded proteins when the ATP level is low, as it is during carbon starvation
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alpha-casein + H2O
Substrates: -
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alpha-casein + H2O
Substrates: degradation
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alpha-casein + H2O
Substrates: interaction via HslV intact active site
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alpha-casein + H2O
Substrates: the structural features of the GYVG motif increase degrading activity
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Arc + H2O
Substrates: -
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Arc + H2O
Substrates: degradation
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Arc + H2O
Substrates: repressor protein, specific degradation, especially at heat shock temperatures, recognition of sequences near the N-terminus of Arc and strong binding requiring Mg2+ and ATP for degradation
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Arc + H2O
Substrates: N-terminal residues of Arc are important for HslUV degradation
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Arc-st11-ssrA + H2O
Substrates: Arc variants with a C-terminal ssrA tag (Arc-ssrA), the st11 and ssrA tags (Arc-st11-ssrA)
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Arc-st11-ssrA + H2O
Substrates: wild-type HslU binds this fluorescent substrate with an average affinity, whereas the Y91A mutant variant shows no detectable binding. Tyr91 side chain plays an important role in allowing HslU to bind Arc-st11-ssrA
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barnase-DHFR fusion proteins + H2O
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barnase-DHFR fusion proteins + H2O
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: HslV alone cleaves to a much lesser extent than in presence of HslU
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
Substrates: -
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benzyloxycarbonyl-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
Substrates: the N-terminal Thr active sites of HslV are involved in the communication between HslV and HslU in addition to its role in the catalysis of peptide bond cleavage
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carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: The HslV peptidase alone shows a very weak peptidase activity towards carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-Leu-7-amido-4-methyl coumarin, but its activity increases 1-2 orders of magnitude when it binds to HslU in the presence of ATP
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casein + H2O
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casein + H2O
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casein + H2O
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casein + H2O
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Insulin B-chain + H2O
Substrates: -
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Insulin B-chain + H2O
Substrates: HslVU degrades insulin B-chain even more rapidly in the presence of ATPgammaS than with ATP
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RcsA + H2O
Substrates: positive regulator of capsule transcription, RcsA
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RcsA + H2O
Substrates: specific substrate degradation, the enzyme is involved in regulation of RcsA, a capsule synthesis activator, the ClpYQ protease acts as a secondary protease in degrading the Lon protease substrate RscA
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RcsA + H2O
Substrates: specific substrate degradation, the enzyme is involved in regulation of RcsA, a capsule synthesis activator
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succinyl-LLVY-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
succinyl-LLVY + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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succinyl-LLVY-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin + H2O
succinyl-LLVY + 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
Substrates: -
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: degradation
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: specific substrate degradation
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: specific substrate degradation, the substrate is a cell division inhibitor
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: recombinant substrate, produced as maltose-binding fusion protein and cleaved by factorXa
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: the double loops, i.e amino acids 137 to 150 and 175 to 209, in domain I of ClpY are necessary for initial recognition/tethering of natural substrates such as SulA, a cell division inhibitor protein
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: a cell division inhibitor protein. Degradation of MBP-SulA by ClpY and ClpY mutants Y408A and T87I in the presence of ClpQ
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: as MBP-SulA fusion protein
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: specific substrate degradation
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SulA + H2O
Substrates: specific substrate degradation, activities with SulA mutant protein substrates F10A, I37V, and P8L
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SulA-maltose binding protein-fusion protein + H2O
Substrates: recombinant substrate, formation of a ternary complex of HslV-HslU-substrate during reaction, molecular interaction study, interaction via HslU, not HslV
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SulA-maltose binding protein-fusion protein + H2O
Substrates: recombinant substrate, specific substrate degradation requires the flexibility provided by glycine residues and aromatic ring structures of the first 91 amino acids
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TraJ + H2O
Substrates: -
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TraJ + H2O
Substrates: TraJ appears to be a substrate for HslVU throughout the growth cycle, but is protected or modified by a factor encoded by the F transfer region in the absence of stress. Activation of the Cpx regulon destabilizes the F plasmid transfer activator, TraJ, via the HslVU protease
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Substrates: no hydrolysis of gamma-globulin, lysozyme and bovine serum albumin
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Substrates: HslV and HslU can function together as a novel ATP-dependent protease, the HslVU protease. Pure HslV is a weak peptidase degrading certain hydrophobic peptides. HslU dramatically stimulates peptide hydrolysis by HslV when ATP is present. With a 1:4 molar ratio of HslV to HslU, approximately a 200fold increase in peptide hydrolysis is observed. HslV stimulates the ATPase activity of HslU 2-4fold. CTP and dATP are slowly hydrolyzed by HslU and allow some peptide hydrolysis
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Substrates: ATP-binding, but not its hydrolysis, is essential for assembly and proteolytic activity of HslVU
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Substrates: less than 1% of the activity with benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin is observed with succinyl-AAF-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin and succinyl-LLVY-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin. No activity with benzoyl-RGFFL-4-methoxy-beta-naphthylamide, glutaryl-AAA-4-methoxy-beta-naphthylamide, benzyloxycarbonyl-LLE-4-methoxy-beta-naphthylamide, succinyl-FLF-beta-naphthylamide, succinyl-LY-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, benzoyl-GP-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, acetyl-YVAA-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, tert-butyloxycarbonyl-LRR-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, t-butyloxycarbonyl-FVR-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, benzoyl-GGR-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, benzoyl-Arg-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin
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Substrates: hslV and hslU are coregulated. It is possible that ATPase HslU and protease HslV are involved in an ATP/GTP-dependent protein metabolism
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Substrates: the GYVG motif of HslU is important in unfolding of natively folded proteins as well as in translocation of unfolded proteins for degradation by HslV in its inner chamber
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Substrates: analysis of interaction of free and inhibited HslV with HslU showing moderate affinity, scheme of substrate-induced HslUV assemblage, overview
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Substrates: substrate binding, ATP-dependent protein degradation, and reaction mechanism, substrate engagement must occur after ATP-binding before HslUV unfolds the proteins, overview
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Substrates: degradation of proteins in an ATP-dependent and tag-specific manner. For degradation from the N-terminus, HslUV has the strongest unfolding ability of all the bacterial proteases (unfolding abilities of the 26S proteasome), whereas for degradation from the C-terminus, HslUV is one of the weaker unfoldases. HslUV unfolds proteins more effectively when degrading from the N- towards the C-terminus than in the opposite direction
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Substrates: HslVU is an ATP-dependent protease consisting of two heat shock proteins, the HslU ATPase and HslV peptidase. In the reconstituted enzyme, HslU stimulates the proteolytic activity of HslV by one to two orders of magnitude, while HslV increases the rate of ATP hydrolysis by HslU several-fold. HslV alone can efficiently degrade certain unfolded proteins, such as unfolded lactalbumin and lysozyme prepared by complete reduction of disulfide bonds, but not their native forms. HslV alone cleaves a lactalbumin fragment sandwiched by two thioredoxin molecules, indicating that it can hydrolyze the internal peptide bonds of lactalbumin. Uncomplexed HslV is inactive under normal conditions, but can degrade unfolded proteins when the ATP level is low, as it is during carbon starvation
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Substrates: ClpQ and ClpY are two heat shock proteins
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Substrates: in vivo, ClpYQ targets SulA, RcsA, RpoH, and TraJ molecules, identification of the molecular determinants required for the binding of its natural protein substrates by yeast two-hybrid analysis. Domain I of ClpY contains the residues, amino acids 137-150 of loop 1 and 175-209 of loop 2, double loops in domain I of ClpY, that are responsible for recognition of its natural substrates, while domain C is necessary to engage ClpQ, overview
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Substrates: ClpYQ is a two-component ATP-dependent protease in which ClpQ is the peptidase subunit and ClpY is the ATPase and the substrate-binding subunit. The ATP-dependent proteolysis is mediated by substrate recognition in the ClpYQ complex
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Substrates: HslVU is a bacterial ATP-dependent protease consisting of hexameric HslU ATPase and dodecameric HslV protease. HslV uses the N-terminal threonine as the active site residue. HslV has 12 active sites among the 14beta-subunits that can potentially contribute to proteolytic activity, but only 6 active sites are sufficient to support full catalytic activity. Substrate-mediated stabilization of the HslV-HslU interaction
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Substrates: HslU hexamers recognize and unfold native protein substrates and then translocate the polypeptide into the degradation chamber of the HslV peptidase. The degradation appears to consist of discrete steps, which involve the interaction of different terminal sequence signals in the substrate with different receptor sites in the HslUV protease. Mutations in the unstructured N-terminal and C-terminal sequences of two model substrates alter HslUV recognition and degradation kinetics, including changes in Vmax. Blocking either terminus of the substrate interferes with HslUV degradation, with synergistic effects when both termini are obstructed
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Substrates: modeling of overall reaction by substrate binding and dissociation steps, and by a rate-limiting enzymatic step, which corresponds to substrate engagement, unfolding, or translocation
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Substrates: substrates are typically targeted to specific AAA+ proteases by peptide sequences. In the AAA+ HslUV protease, substrates are bound and unfolded by a ring hexamer of HslU, before translocation through an axial pore and into the HslV degradation chamber. The I domain plays an active role in coordinating substrate binding, ATP hydrolysis, and protein degradation by the HslUV proteolytic machine
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Substrates: the enzyme degrades only the SulA moiety of recombinant fusion proteins, the fused proteins, e.g. the green fluorescent protein, are not hydrolyzed
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Substrates: degradation of proteins in an ATP-dependent and tag-specific manner. For degradation from the N-terminus, HslUV has the strongest unfolding ability of all the bacterial proteases (unfolding abilities of the 26S proteasome), whereas for degradation from the C-terminus, HslUV is one of the weaker unfoldases. HslUV unfolds proteins more effectively when degrading from the N- towards the C-terminus than in the opposite direction
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Substrates: the HslUV complex is an assembly of heat shock locus gene products U and V. The formation of the complete complex is essential for the proteasome to carry out its biochemical and physiological role in the parasite, namely to degrade specific target proteins in an ATP-dependent chaperone assisted manner
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Substrates: ClpYQ plays a minor role in stress survival and is required for growth at high temperature of 45Ā°C
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SulA + H2O
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SulA + H2O
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SulA + H2O
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SulA + H2O
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SulA + H2O
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Products: the enzyme produces 58 peptides with various sizes, 3-31 residues
SulA + H2O
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Substrates: the central and the C-terminal regions are preferentially cleaved. Major cleavage sites: Ala80-Ser81, Ala150-Ser151, Leu54-Gln55, Ile163-His164, Leu67-Thr68, Leu49-Leu50, Leu65-Trp66. No cleavage in absence of ATP
Products: the enzyme produces 58 peptides with various sizes, 3-31 residues
SulA + H2O
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Substrates: cell division inhibitor SulA, the internal region of SulA is necessary for interactions with ClpY, the N-terminal amino acid residues of SulA are not necessary
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SulA + H2O
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Substrates: hslVU in addition to Lon plays an important role in regulation of cell division through degradation of SulA
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5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidotriphosphate
adenosine 5'-(alpha,beta-methylene)triphosphate
HslVU degrades insulin B-chain more rapidly in the presence of ATPgammaS than with ATP
HslVU degrades insulin B-chain more rapidly in the presence of ATPgammaS than with ATP
supports proteolytic activity to an extent less than 10% of that seen with ATP
5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidotriphosphate
the enzyme degrades SulA and the fusion protein of SulA and maltose-binding protein in presence of ATP but not with ATPgammaS
5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidotriphosphate
can support peptide hydrolysis, but only after an initial time lag not seen with ATP. This delay decreases at higher temperatures and with higher HslV or HslU concentrations and is eliminated by preincubation of HslV and HslU together
5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidotriphosphate
can support peptide hydrolysis, but only after an initial time lag not seen with ATP. This delay decreases at higher temperatures and with higher HslV or HslU concentrations and is eliminated by preincubation of HslV and HslU together. Supports hydrolysis of casein and other polypeptides only 20% as well as ATP. But in presence of K+, Cs+ or NH4+, activation of casein degradation is even better than that by ATP, although it is not hydrolyzed
ATP-binding, but not its hydrolysis, is essential for assembly and proteolytic activity of HslVU. The ability of ATP and its analogs in supporting the proteolytic activity is closely correlated with their ability in supporting the oligomerization of HslU and the formation of the HslVU complex
ATP activates hydrolysis of benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin 150fold
no cleavage of SulA in absence of ATP
HslV and HslU can function together as a novel ATP-dependent protease, the HslVU protease. Pure HslV is a weak peptidase degrading certain hydrophobic peptides. HslU dramatically stimulates peptide hydrolysis by HslV when ATP is present. With a 1:4 molar ratio of HslV to HslU, approximately a 200fold increase in peptide hydrolysis is observed. HslV stimulates the ATPase activity of HslU 2-4fold. CTP and dATP are slowly hydrolyzed by HslU and allow some peptide hydrolysis
the enzyme degrades SulA and the fusion protein of SulA and maltose-binding protein in presence of ATP but not with ATPgammaS
HslV can slowly hydrolyze insulin B-chain, casein or carboxymethylated lactalbumin, but its activity is stimulated 20fold by HslU in presence of ATP
ATP concentrations that activate hydrolysis of benzyloxycarbonyl-GGL-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin are 50-100fold lower than those necessary for degradation of proteins, e.g. casein. ATP binding to a high affinity site triggers the formation of an active state capable of peptide cleavage, although ATP hydrolysis facilitates this process
dependent on, HslU, ATP cleavage involves the pore motif GYVG
ATP binding and hydrolysis are critical for protein degradation by HslUV, an AAA+ machine containing one or two HslU ATPases and the HslV peptidase. Asymmetric mechanism of ATP binding and hydrolysis. Molecular contacts between HslU and HslV vary dynamically throughout the ATPase cycle. Nucleotide binding controls HslUV assembly and activity. Binding of a single ATP allows HslU to bind HslV, whereas additional ATPs must bind HslU to support substrate recognition and to activate ATP hydrolysis, which powers substrate unfolding and translocation
dependent on, an ATP-binding site in domain N, separate from its role in polypeptide, ClpY, oligomerization, is required for complex formation with ClpQ
dependent on. The intermediate domain of HslU is required for robust ATP hydrolysis, ATP hydrolysis activities of wild-type and mutant enzymes, overview
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HslU requires Mg2+ together with ATP for activity
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HslU does not hydrolyze ATPgammaS, an ATP analogue
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no activity with ATP-gammaS analogue, thermodynamic analysis of ATP-gammaS-binding and ATPase activity of wild-type ClpY and its T87I mutant, overview. In the presence of MBP-SulA and ClpQ, the mutant has about one-fourth of the ATPase activity of wild-type ClpY, ClpY mutant T87I in its hexameric form is defective in ATPase activity
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